55 Monk Names and Their Meanings

Priests who have dedicated their lives to the service of God and humanity in the monastery are given monk names. Once a person enters the monastery, he or she is given a monk name and the name varies depending on the religious body the person is aligned with. Outside religion, games like the World of

Priests who have dedicated their lives to the service of God and humanity in the monastery are given monk names.

Once a person enters the monastery, he or she is given a monk name and the name varies depending on the religious body the person is aligned with. Outside religion, games like the World of Witchcraft also have Monk names, and there are funny monk names you can choose from.

Male Monk Names

Monk names are known to have both feminine and masculine ones, and both are easily recognizable from the sound and inherent meaning. The names for the males come across as stronger and more macho than the ones given to female monks. Here are some of the more popular male monk names.

  • Adika – This means the first child of the 2nd husband
  • 2. Agung – Meaning Grand or great

    3. Toshin – This moniker is used to describe a penetrating truth

    4. Boon-Nam – The name is usually given to those born with a promising fortune.

    5. Justeene – This means righteous or upright

    6.  Boon-Mee – Means Lucky or a lucky and fortunate person

    7. Feng – Also taken to mean maple, Feng means one who is just like a Phoenix

    8. Fu – A reference to prosperity and great wealth

    9. Oktai – He who understands

    Female Monk Names?

    In Buddhism, female monks are termed ‘bhikkhuni’, ‘bhiksuni’, or ‘monachos, but its translation in English is a nun. Religious bodies like the Catholic Church that have female monks refer to them as nuns and they live in the nunnery. There is a plethora of female monk names used by these organizations, notable among them are;

    10. Thich Nhat Hanh – Of Vietnamese Origin, the moniker, Thich Nhat Hanh means gentle Buddhist monk.

    11. Goldeheve – The name, Goldeheve is of Yiddish origin and it refers to someone with a high awareness of self or a sixth sense.

    12. Chomdem – This means a lady who overcomes the negative and is of Tibetan origin.

    13. Cahya – From Indonesia comes the name Cahya and it is interpreted as – a bringer of light to the darkness

    14. Chomdem – Of Tibetan origin, the name, Chomdem means a lady who overcomes negativity

    15. Losang Samten – This is also of Tibetan Origin and its meaning is interpreted as a fine mind.

    16. Tripurari – Chomdem is of Sanskrit Origin and it means “three cities.

    17. Yuttadhammo – Another Sanskrit moniker that means “one composed of dharma.”

    18. Bi A – This is a Chinese title and its meaning is said to be Green Jade

    Funny Monk Names

    In the same way that there are male and female monk names, there are also funny names for monks. See some below;

    19. Aishi – The moniker is of Japanese origin and is interpreted as compassionate service.

    20. Anzan – Also of Japanese origin, Anzan means “a peaceful and quiet mountain.

    21. Kaizen –A popular moniker, the name originated from Japan and means continuous improvements.

    22. Kasyapa – Of Sanskrit origin, the meaning of Kasyapa is to swallow the light.

    23. Ryotan – From Japan comes the moniker, Ryotan and it is interpreted as complete fulfillment.

    24. Bodhin – The name Bodhin is of Sanskrit Origin and its meaning is “awakening, it can also mean to seek or know.

    25. Soten – This is a Japanese moniker meaning heavenly ancestor.

    26. Chen-chio – From China, Chen-chio means true enlightenment.

    27. Dae Shim – This name comes from Korean and its meaning is interpreted as the one who has a great mind.

    28. Justeene – This a male monk name that is so befitting to those who have pledged their lives to the service of God and humanity, it means righteous or upright

    Cool Monk Names

    Monks are extremely serious people, but it is good to know that there are some really cool monk names;

    29. Channarong – This name is of Thai origin and it means an experienced warrior.

    30. Indazita – The moniker originated from Burma and means an archer who was born to the conqueror of Gods.

    31. Phurba – Of Bhutani Origin, Phurba is interpreted as a religious dagger and it is a weapon Buddhist masters use in conducting their rituals.

    32. Kraisee – This moniker has Thai Origin, a strong Pandaren name that means “a person who is as brave as a lion.

    33. Longwei – The name originated from China and means a dragon’s greatness.

    34. Shaolin – From China, Shaolin means “Mount Shaolin” and it refers to a famous warrior that originated with primitive monks in martial arts.

    35. Taki – From the Japanese comes the moniker Taki, which means “plunging waterfall.”

    36. Jayasurya – This moniker is of Sanskrit Origin and means victorious sun.

    Buddha Monk Names

    Like Catholicism, Buddhism is one of the religious bodies that ordained their priests as monks. Below is a list of the most common monk names in Buddhism;

    37. Anurak – This comes from Thai mythology and means The male angel.

    38. Candavira – A male moniker for people who are Buddhists.

    39. Hemlal – Buddha is known by many names and Hemlal happens to be one of them.

    40. Gildor – Meaning the creator of happiness and joy.

    `41. Chosui: This moniker is used to describe water that is not just pure but also fit for drinking.

    42. Batsaikhan – This name is given to those who are strong and nice.

    42. Boddhidharma – The moniker simply means someone who is a true follower of Buddhism.

    44. Bodhidharma – A person blessed with an all-pervading awakened and enlightened mind

    45. Shen – This is a Chinese moniker for a calm and cautious giant

    World of Warcraft Monk Names

    Big fans of World of Witchcraft (WoW) are at liberty to choose a name for their monks and there are a lot of named monks in the computer game. Here are the most common ones;

    46. Aysa Cloudsinger – Leader of the Tushui.

    47. Gakkiz Blusterblast – Former mage and first known goblin monk.

    48. Brewer Almai – Apprentice to Brewmaster Blanche and Champion of the Broken Temple.

    49. Brewmaster Blanche – Creator of the famous Boomer Brew. She assisted in the Order of the Broken Temple prior to her death.

    50. Chen Stormstout – Champion of the Broken Temple and legendary brewmaster.

    51. Jinyu Clever Ashyo – Monk in training constantly traveling across Pandaria alongside his team.

    52. Fearsome Jang – Master Tiger monk trainer who is at the highest point of Serenity.

    53. TaranZhu Taran Zhu – Lord of the Shado-Pan cum Shado-Pan Assault; he is a champion of the Broken Temple.

    54. Trainer Lin – Monk trainer with a specialty in the Tiger Style; she is at the Peak of Serenity.

    55. Eramas Brightblaze – Acolyte of Priestess Delrissa.

