Loren Cunningham, the Founder of Youth With a Mission, Passed Away

Author and missionary Loren Cunningham died of cancer at 88. Loren Cunningham, an author and founder of one of the largest Christian youth organization Youth With A Mission (YWAM), died from cancer on Friday, October 6, 2023. He was 88 years old.

Author and missionary Loren Cunningham died of cancer at 88.

Loren Cunningham, an author and founder of one of the largest Christian youth organization ‘Youth With A Mission’ (YWAM), died from cancer on Friday, October 6, 2023. He was 88 years old.

What happened to Loren Cunningham?

Loren Cunningham was diagnosed with stage-4 cancer. The cancer had spread to his lungs, bones, and lymph system. His wife Darlene announced in a post on social media the news of his condition and said,

“We have already decided as a family to prioritize Loren’s QUALITY of life over trying to extend the length of time through chemo or other treatments that could reduce his energy and productiveness.
He has Jesus, family, friends, and vision. Who could ask for more?”
He passed away at 88.

The news of his departure from the world was announced to the world in a post on the YWAM social media page, and his obituary was also posted on the YWAM website. The funeral plans will be provided later.

According to the post, Laure died in his sleep at his home in Kona, Hawaii, at 4:20 a.m. on October 6, 2023. He is survived by his wife, Darlene, daughter Karen, son David and Judy Cunningham, and three grandchildren, Mdi, Kenna, and Liam.

Who was Lorne Cunningham?

Loren Cunningham was born in Taft, California. His family was associated with ministries through generations. He married Darlene Scratch in 1963, who also had a Christian ministry background. He was influenced by religion from a very early age. He felt a calling in religion, and together, they led ‘Youth With A Mission,’ one of the largest global mission movements founded in 1960.

The YWAM has tens of thousands of full-time staff from over 200 countries who serve at more than 2000 YWAM locations in nearly 200 nations.

Loren was a well-educated individual. He had three Bachelor’s degrees, a Master of Science in Administration of Education, and three Honorary Doctorates. He was an author and published six books: Is That Really You, God? (which was translated into more than 150 languages), Making Jesus Lord, Daring to Live on the Edge, Why Not Women?, The Book that Transforms Nations-the Power of the Bible to Change Any Country, We Can End Bible Poverty Now, and No Boundaries.

He was a humble and godly man with an amazing sense of humor. According to his Obituary, he was approachable and designed his organization to be decentralized. Whenever people would address him as ‘doctor’ or ‘reverend,’ he would say, “Jesus was Jesus, and I’m just Lore. Please call me Loren.”


The Internet has flooded with tributes from millions of followers in his honor. The global community has paid their respects and remembered him in nothing but kind words.
Maksim Dyomkin wrote on social media,

“His service to God and his dedication to YWAM ( Youth With A Mission) has changed the lives and destinies of many people, including my life!

Thank God for your life, Lauren Cunningham. You will always be a good example of a servant to me !!
See you in heaven!!!”

Bethany Roque wrote,

“Wow, I can’t believe this day has come… This man, Lauren Cunningham, was the founder of YWAM, an organization that has changed my life and my husband’s life forever! Today, he is with Jesus! I know there is a sea larger than you can imagine of people welcoming him into the kingdom of heaven right now! He finally gets to see with clear eyes and vision what he has fought for here on Earth!! Thank you, Loren, for all you have done! We will miss your presence!”

